Saturday, February 21, 2015

Our special vistor

February 13, 2015 - Today, I had one of the greatest surprises of my life.  My very sweet, loyal, and exceptional friend from Boston surprised me with a visit.  I had no idea that Michelle was coming and I cried like a baby when she walked into Addie's room.  I consider Michelle to be a living, breathing angel.  I was introduced to Michelle 5 years ago, before Addie's 1st birthday, by the President of the National Urea Cycle Foundation.  I was looking for someone to connect with.  Someone that understood what life felt like to have a child with Addison's disorder.  And God answered my prayer.  He sent me Michelle.  Michelle has a little girl with the exact same disorder as Addie.  Her little girl is 6 and was transplanted last year in Pittsburgh also.

Over the past 5 years, Michelle and I have become more like family than friends (and this is someone that until today, I've only actually met 1 time, all of our communication has been over the phone).  She's held me up when I was scared out of my mind.  She's given me advice to help me through some of my worst days.  And she's understands what I am feeling without having to say a word.  So as our family is walking through one of the scariest journeys of our lives - she flies to Pittsburgh from Boston, because she knew how much I needed her.

Michelle spent the weekend with us.  She ended up getting stuck in Pittsburgh an extra day because her flight to Boston was cancelled due to another blizzard that New England was getting hammered with.  See, God really does give us exactly what we need -even when we don't ask for it.

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